I entered the venue of the runnew race greeted by a blaring sound of music. There was a huge tv screen playing concert videos and the music was crisp and audible. It was a different morning to start a day with because everyone was treated to a good mix of music and fun. This is the beginning of something new in race organizing as introduced by runrio event. I was entertained for a while. That was a good prelude to my business that day.

concert at the race
At the gun shot, we were out and running to a new route. Hills abound at the earlier portion of the race and more slopes until the finish line. I started moderately and ran comfortably for the first 2km. As soon as I hit my rhythm, I shifted to race mode and started to burn rubber. The plan was to run swift and finish strong. Stride after stride, I recalled my pace at the moa from the previous week and adopted it by running at the same intensity. I reached the finish line a good four minutes ahead of my personal best.

from the lens of photobards.com

All throughout I ran better than I expected. I enjoyed running the route that showcased new concepts and styles. The new markers along the way as well as ads from photovendo were placed strategically and it was a delight scanning and reading run boosting messages and pictures (Wayne's was a good take). Marshaling were effective, fluids were adequate and so were the freebies. The post race program was a delight including the brunch tent for an after race meal. Results were fast and were readily downloadable thru the net. Kudos to the organizers and the participants as well, this was another successful event. A good race deserves a good credit.
